Thursday 13 October 2011

"The Hangover" Practical Task Continued

Today we had Media and in this lesson we watched the clips from Sunday's filming and we decided to re-film the voicemail bits. We had previously recorded Alex saying his lines on Sunday but when we listened to the clips back you couldn't hear him over the wind. Although we could have used the clip and got rid of the background noise we thought it would have been easier to just re-film it. Luckily Alex was in a free period so we re-filmed the lines and also got my friends Oli and Ben to say the lines of the other two voicemails for Stu and Doug.
We are planning on taking the sound from the video and overlaying it with the video we're filming Sunday.
We are also going to be editing the car scene some more in the next media lessons, on the 14th, hopefully.
For the upcoming Sunday's filming we will be going to Park Farm hotel and filming in one of their hotel rooms, Alice called earlier in the week to confirm. In the scene we are filming then we will be filming when Tracey is on the phone to film. Although we do not have a definite Tracey yet will hopefully have one confirmed before Sunday. Alice's mum is going to play Tracey's mother hopefully unless she has to work, if she does we will be filming her bits quickly then use a stand in if she is supposed to be in any shots, we won't focus on her face during these shots so it will be less obvious we are using a stand in. For the 3 bridesmaids we will be playing them, as it only involves sitting there and we won't have to do much acting. For the Bride's father I have persuaded my Dad to play him, under surfferance.

In today's class we edited our project more, Alice had filmed a cake earlier in the week. We edited this scene together and we tried to do the opening credits. Also we did the after-effects thing on Adobe where we blurred out the background in the car scene so myself and Alice were blurred and you can't make out much of us. This was a long process but I think it was worth it, it was only a 30 second clip but it took most of an hour to do. Individually moving each point that surrounded Alex as he moved so we couldn't do a straight edit.
We also tried to do the credits of the film, myself and Megan looked at doing different fonts for the opening credits, we couldn't find the exact match for the titling of "The Hangover" but we found one that is similar and have chosen to use that font although it's not an exact match.

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