Saturday 8 October 2011

Jerry Maguire and Lester Burnham character profiles

Lester Burnham is a 42 year old man, he's married with one daughter, he lives in a typical American surburban household in a typical surburban street. He has a narritive in the film and tells you within the first few minutes he's going to die in less than a year. His wife and daughter think that he's pathetic. His wife is a typical "stepford" wife. He says that he and his wife aren't happy. His wife pretends to be happy, he doesn't. His wife is horrible to his daughter. He says that he's lost part of himself, not loving life. Everything in surburbia is the same. He's always in the dark and some shots show him behind bars emphisising the fact that he's traped, boxed away.
Jerry Maguire is a sports agent, charismatic, arogant. Noticing that he's not liking his job as much as it's getting "worse". He's always talking about numbers and data. He doesn't speak about his family or friends, he just talks about his work, his clients are the most important thing to him. All of his collegues are the same no distingishing features they are all dressed in the same sort of clothes. He's never in the public eye always off to the side of the spotlight. He doesn't mind.

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